Antipasti Burger

makes 4 Burger

Have you ever had the pleasure of meeting the world’s tastiest Burger? No? Well, that’s a pity. So here he comes. Benes and mine Antipasti-Burger!

Bene invented this amazing version while we were still neck-deep into getting our Bachelorsdegrees. That meant money was short, but we still wanted to eat something tasty whenever we saw each other every two weeks (because I was studying on the other side of Germany). So, one weekend Bene was determined to have burgers for dinner, but good quality meat was expensive and buying lower quality was and still is against our believes. That was when he came up with the idea of frying feta cheese and turning it into the most amazing thing that has ever landed between a burgerbun.

After a failed attempt at frying the cheese in one piece (during which we nearly killed off our only frying pan because the burnt cheese really stuck to it) we found a safe way to fry the cheese.

You can try this Burger with any sauce you like on a Burger. For us it’s simple: mustard, ketchup and mayonnaise. If you are feeling super fancy and are up for some more frying you could add fried zuccini or eggplant (which Bene detests by the way – he only calls it “spongefruit” due to its consistency).


  • 2 packages feta cheese (not diced)
  • 4 burger buns
  • 1 handfull lambs lettuce
  • 4 dried tomatoes
  • 2 pickles
  • burger sauce of choice (we use mustard, ketchup and mayonnaise)


Don’t fry the cheese too hot or it might stick to your pan forever

Try to turn the cheese only once while frying. Otherwise it is very likely to crumble into pieces (which still taste amazing)


  1. Start by washing the lambs lettuce and letting it dry a little bit.
  2. Then cut the pickles and dried tomatoes into small stripes.
  3. Cut each package of feta cheese in half, starting at the longer side, so the piece becomes thinner but you still maintain a big surface.
  4. Heat your pan but only add very little oil. The cheese has enough fat and water for frying.
  5. Fry the cheese at medium heat until it starts to soften and gets brown around the lower edge.
  6. Scoop the cheese onto a burger bun and add the other ingredients. Top it off with your favourite sauce and enjoy the world’s tastiest burger!

Have fun trying this super yummy version of a burger.

Bene and Mirja