Yogurt Pancakes With Strawberrys

makes about 10 pancakes

Strawberries are one of the best things every year around the beginning of June. They go well with an endless variety of dishes and are one of the first sweet fruits to be ripe in the early summer. Just this year until 2 weeks ago it was rather cold and the sun was seldom seen. Bene and me were itching to get our hands on the first strawberries of this year.

Well, the small market stalls that pop up everywhere in Germany during aspargus and strawberry season are usually sold old by the time I get off work. So at first no strawberries for us. But behold – saturday during our weekly trip to the farmes market I got a tiny basket of the red sweeties (for quiet a lot of money). I simply had to buy them, though with only a small amount of berries we couldn’t make a cake. So the perfect alternative were pancakes! Fluffy, sweet pancakes with some yogurt mixed into the batter.

On sundays Bene often likes to treat us to some pancakes. Add a large cup of coffee for either one of us and we’re ready to start into a relaxed day. Luckily for us the weather was just warm enough to have a late breakfast outside. A European Starling likes to visit us and his chirping on our roof was endearing.


We usually use 2 or 3 pans at the same time to get our pancakes ready. We are just too hungry to take the time and only use one pan.


  • 400g flour
  • 430g sparkling water
  • 8g backing powder
  • 50g sugar
  • 10g salt


  1. Mix all the ingredients except for the water together.
  2. Add the complete amount of yogurt.
  3. Add the water in small steps until the dough reaches the right consistency (it should be homogenous but not to liquid).
  4. Heat your pan and add about a table spoon of frying oil.
  5. Pour enough dough in your pan, so it achieves a size of about 15 to 18cm in diameter. Usually I use a trowel to get the right amout of dough.
  6. Fry the pancake until bubbles occur on the upperside. This way you know your pancake will be cooked completly.
  7. Turn it over and fry for another couple of minutes.

Just add your favourite chocolate spread as the final touch. Honey or maple syrup are also a super delicous topping.

We hope you enjoy your sunday mornings with our pancakes recipe.

Mirja and Bene